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Talented Individuals and ASD

Whenever autism is discussed, the focus tends to be on social communication and interaction difficulties that most people with ASD experience. It is easy to forget that there are many bright and creative individuals with ASD. Because people on the autism spectrum are often absorbed by a narrow range of interests, they tend to have exceptional knowledge and ability in their interests. In this blog I wish to showcase a small sample of artists with ASD.

First, I would like to start with Carl Parker, an artist from New Brunswick, who was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome as an adult. Carl tends to use very bold and striking colours that pop from the canvas, capturing the beauty of the subject. He is also the author of two books: Fake News, Real Paintings: An Artist's View of What's Wrong With the World and Carl Parker: A Life in Paint. You can find and purchase Car's art on his website:

Sadie Leblanc is a 10-year-old artist that was diagnosed with autism at age 3. Sadie draws daily and is very therapeutic for her. Every painting that Sadie creates is always different, and each drawing is a representation of her current mood and thoughts.

Seth Priske is diagnosed with high functioning autism and ADHD. His art is very dense and intricate, consisting of many different shapes and colours. He posts and sells his art on Deviant Art, a website that allows a community of artists to showcase their artwork around the world.

Each of these individuals have two things in common, they are all undoubtedly talented, and they are all on the spectrum. These are just some of the many talented with ASD, and I hope they gain the attention and recognition they deserve.

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