Are You Interested In Getting Involved With Our Project?
If you are interested in getting involved and helping us grow, you can contact us at We will respond within 2 business days.
Hands-On Participation: Work with us to harvest or deliver our produce twice a week within the city or come apply your great building skills as we prepare our residences for the farm.
Share your knowledge: Come and visit us at the farm or we can come to you, so that you can share your knowledge and enthusiasm for your profession with people who are seeking theirs.
Skills Development: Offer a 3-hour session on various skills that you have, or come to the farm and demonstrate side-by-side with our employees.
Become a Business Advocate
Provide Pro Bono or Discounted Services for Triple S will help keep our costs low and your benefits high. Each year that your business contributes to Triple S, your business will receive:
Recognition/Shout-Out on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, IG) and Grapevine Communications channels (estimated reach of 3,000 people)
Formal recognition at all public events and trade shows
Acknowledgement on our Business Advocate page and links to your business’ promotions on the Triple S website.
Free Triple S Corporate Family Membership
If you believe in our three primary tenets, we would love to meet with you to determine how you believe your can support these either on the farmstead or in your community.