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Interview With Our Team - Thomas

Ben: Hi Thomas, today I’m going to be asking you some questions about what your experience has been growing up with ASD, as well as how your time spent on the farm with Rudy this summer.

Ben: What was school like for you as an individual with Autism?

Thomas: It wasn’t so much my autism that affected me in school, it was my ADHD. Language Arts was the most difficult for me because I had a hard time expressing myself, I found that when I had to write essays, I didn’t know what to even say. Others could maintain a narrative throughout their work, for me I couldn’t do that.

Ben: Have you ever had times when you feel alone, and don’t belong in school?

Thomas: Yeah there was. Growing up I really liked racing games but not many people I knew were into them so that was hard. I made a few friends in junior high that shared in my similar interests, but I grew distant from that group. I have one friend that I have maintained a strong friendship with from high school.

Ben: Have you ever felt depressed, and if so, what coping mechanisms did you use?

Thomas: Yeah, sometimes. I honestly just tried to tough it out and get through it.

Ben: How does your ADHD affect you daily?

Thomas: It makes it very hard to focus and concentrate on one thing, I’m always getting distracted easily. There’s been times I’ve really wanted to do something and couldn’t simply because I couldn’t sit still.

Ben: What was it like working on the farm with Rudy and Karen?

Thomas: It was nice to work outside, and not at a place where you must sit down at a desk for 8 hours a day. It’s nice to do physical labour.

Ben: How did you get the job at Triple S Ranch?

Thomas: After I signed up for Autism Edmonton I kind of had a connection with an employee working there that contacted Rudy and Karen and the rest is history.

Ben: What did you do when you were at the farm?

Thomas: I worked in the garden, I would drill holes in the dirt and shove stakes through that and set up fencing in order to build vertical gardens.

Ben: How have things been at the farm?

Thomas: On the days on which I have worked, the weather has been good. However, the weather in generally has not been ideal for the crops. All the rain has flooded a lot of the veggies.

Ben: So, Thomas, what are your plans for when the job ends? What does the future hold for you?

Thomas: My future is a little fuzzy currently. I haven’t decided if I want to pursue university or trades school.

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