Ben: Hi Jeff, I’m Ben I’ll be asking you some questions today if that’s OK?
Jeff: Of course!
Ben: Can you tell us how long you have been with Triple S?
Jeff: This is my second year being employed by Triple S.
Ben: What is your position with the company?
Jeff: Last year I was a farm hand and this year I am a Social Media Analyst.
Ben: What is your favourite thing about your job?
Jeff: Being able to work from home and having a more flexible schedule
Ben: How is this year different for you, then last year?
Jeff: Last year was more physically demanding because there was so much work to do on the farm. This year, due to
the weather there hasn’t been as much vegetables, so I’ve been focused more on social media.
Ben: What does your day at work consist of?
Jeff: I help design the Triple S Ranch website, send off email campaigns, and sometimes on the weekends I help out at the farm.
Ben: Would you recommend TSR to other individuals who are on the autism spectrum?
Jeff: Yes, I would because TSR is very accommodating and understand some of the issues people with autism have.
Ben: What piece of advice would you give someone who is interested in applying for TSR?
Jeff: If you work hard you’ll have no problems!
Ben: Thank you so much for your time, and giving us a bit more information about your position and your experience working with TSR.